
Access to electricity is a human right, rules Mexican Circuit Court.

Is access to electrical energy a human right?

The Third Collegiate Court in Civil Matters of the First Circuit, a federal court in Mexico, ruled that access to electrical energy is a human right. The federal court explained that the Mexican Constitution recognizes various economic, social and cultural human rights, such as access to information, adequate housing, and health, among others, that depend on the supply of electricity.

This, since with the current state of scientific and technological development, satisfiers are closely linked to electrical energy.  And what is a satisfier? Well, it is everything that contributes to the realization of human needs.

The foregoing, since electrical energy is practically used in all human activity to generate different types of energy, for information processing and for telecommunications.

Therefore, the federal court ruled that access to electricity must be recognized as a human right, as it’s a necessary condition for the enjoyment of multiple fundamental rights.

access to electricity must be recognised as a human right as it is an indispensable precondition for the enjoyment of multiple fundamental rights. (Translation)


See the following video (English subtitles):


Max-Neff, Manfred, Antonio Elizalde & Martín Openhayn  (1986)   Desarrollo a escala humana: una opción para el futuro.   Development Dialogue, número especial, 96 pp. CEPAUR, Fundacion Dag Hammarskjold.

Registro digital: 2018528, Instancia: Tercer Tribunal Colegiado en Materia Civil del Primer Circuito, Décima Época, Materias(s): Constitucional, Común, Tesis: I.3o.C.100 K (10a.), Fuente: Gaceta del Semanario Judicial de la Federación. Libro 61, Diciembre de 2018, Tomo II, página 959, Tipo: Aislada, de rubro: “*ACCESO A LA ENERGÍA ELÉCTRICA. DEBE RECONOCERSE COMO DERECHO HUMANO POR SER UN PRESUPUESTO INDISPENSABLE PARA EL GOCE DE MÚLTIPLES DERECHOS FUNDAMENTALES*”.


Braulio Emiliano Garduño Ibarra
Braulio Emiliano Garduño Ibarra
BA in Law, ITESM (2018) | LL.M. in International Law and Comparative Law, Trinity College Dublin (2023) | Postgraduate research student, University of Liverpool (2024-2028) | Lawyer specialising in constitutional, comparative and human rights law. Passionate about law and its history and committed to its diffusion.


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