
Judicial Reform in Mexico: It contravenes international law

The President of Mexico presented in February 2024 a Constitutional Reform bill to the Federal Judiciary of great magnitude. One of the transcendental points of the reform is that...

Court of Appeals in Chile authorizes the vaccination of a newborn after her mother’s refusal.

A mother refused to vaccinate her newborn daughter despite the insistence of a medical clinic, which turned to the Chilean courts to authorize the...

Life imprisonment is an inhuman punishment, rules a Court of Appeal in Kenya

Life imprisonment is an inhuman punishment and an unconstitutional sentence. The Court of Appeal at Malandi, Kenya ruled that the sentence of life imprisonment is...

Blocking access to Twitter violates the right to freedom of expression, the Constitutional Court of Turkey rules.

Social media and the internet are modern tools for exercising freedom of expression in contemporary societies. What would happen if a government completely blocked...

Can universities prohibit students from protesting against them?

Can universities prohibit students from protesting against them? Freedom of expression at universities. It has been reported that university administrators warned students at a University...

Persons with disabilities have the right to found a family

The human right of persons with disabilities to start a family. The right to found a family of persons with disabilities has been recognized...

Gambian laws criminalising the spreading of fake news transgress freedom of expression, rules ECOWAS Court of Justice

Are laws criminalising the dissemination of false news contrary to freedom of expression? The Court of Justice of the Economic Community of West African States...

Supreme Court of India rules that no one can be compelled to be vaccinated

India's Supreme Court ruled that no one can be compelled to be vaccinated. The Supreme Court of India ruled that Article 21 of the Constitution...

University of Chile cannot refuse to award a degree to a student due to debts, Chilean Supreme Court rules

Can a university refuse to award a degree to a student for having debts? The University of Chile refused to award a degree to a...

Supreme Tribunal in Spain rules that it is not discriminatory to deny Spanish nationality to a person because of his or her polygamous marriage.

Polygamy is a valid reason to deny Spanish nationality according to the Spanish Supreme Tribunal of Justice (STS 3054/2008). The Supreme Tribunal of Justice in...

Access to electricity is a human right, rules Mexican Circuit Court.

Is access to electrical energy a human right? The Third Collegiate Court in Civil Matters of the First Circuit, a federal court in Mexico, ruled...
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