
Judicial Reform in Mexico: It contravenes international law

The President of Mexico presented in February 2024 a Constitutional Reform bill to the Federal Judiciary of great magnitude. One of the transcendental points of the reform is that...

Can universities prohibit students from protesting against them?

Can universities prohibit students from protesting against them? Freedom of expression at universities. It has been reported that university administrators warned students at a University...

Persons with disabilities have the right to found a family

The human right of persons with disabilities to start a family. The right to found a family of persons with disabilities has been recognized...

Supreme Tribunal in Spain rules that it is not discriminatory to deny Spanish nationality to a person because of his or her polygamous marriage.

Polygamy is a valid reason to deny Spanish nationality according to the Spanish Supreme Tribunal of Justice (STS 3054/2008). The Supreme Tribunal of Justice in...
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